Friday, December 15, 2017


Abortion has been a touchy subject for awhile now and people on both sides of the argument have some good points. There are many here in America that want much stricter laws, the question is how stricter are we gonna be. Just read this article and see if this is the future you want for your daughters and son's.
Huff post article.
          The question constantly asked is "should we allow women to abort their babies?" However, my question is, why do they want to? You see abortion is giving up on a human being you have the potential to experience so much joy with. How can someone do that? Well, have you ever been pregnant by someone that raped you? Have you ever been raped? Ever thought of how you would of reacted if it did come back positive? I would like to get into this more. 
           However, there is another side of this coin that must be addressed. Why did the man feel that he had the right to take advantage of that woman? See many men don't realize just how bad things have gotten. I cannot go anywhere without meeting a woman that has been sexually assaulted by a man at one point in their lives. Women are not property no matter how old or sacred your religious text is. If it encourages harm to any group of humans it is not fully inspired by GOD. Too often women are seen as the property of men or inferior in some way to a man. There is no inferior sex, we are different for a reason. These differences help us balance things out and teach us the art of co-operation. Just ask anyone that has been in a long-term relationship. If both parties do not do what they are good at, they will not succeed. If this is the case then how is what the man doing more important than what the woman is doing. Sexism and the popular notion that women are in some way inferior to a man has been going on for centuries. What if the sudden rise in LGBTQ community is gods way of teaching us once and for all just how similar we really are. If a man can become a woman, a woman can become a man, and we can all achieve the same things in life. How can one be inferior to the other? They can't, this is why we must teach our young men how to respect women and to understand that there must be boundaries kept unless given strict permission by the woman. There are too many men who see women as objects to be won and do not respect a woman enough to accept rejection.
      "Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him."
-Mathew Henry-

        If we want to stop abortions we can't abolish and criminalize it. We must legalize it and study why these women even want the abortions. Then we must take measures to teach our young men how to treat women with compassion and respect. If everyone respects each other and stop making excuses for our own lust and hunger for dominance we can remove the desire for abortions and only have them when all other options have been taken. 

Christopher Laurent

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