Sunday, February 18, 2018

Spanking and violence

This is a topic I have witnessed discussed heatedly  for some time now. I will admit I have whipped my children in the past however, looking back I regret doing so and I will explain why. Many older adults often claim the problem with kids these days is the lack of corpral punishment. ( not being spanked enough) I would have to disagree. I grew up with some spankings, but they never taught me anything positive. I learned how to be sneakier so I wouldn't get caught, how to lie better, how to get someone else in trouble for something I did, and how to take a beating and walk it off like it never happened, and if you have the power you can simply beat someone until they do what you want them to do. Over all I learned nothing positive from spankings. I also grew up hearing adults brag about how they were beat and tell glory stories about the fist fights they got in as kids. When I see the violence kids do today I recall the stories of my youth and I can't help but see this as kids trying to one up their grandparents glory stories of violence not a result of violent movies and games. Add to this the fact that as a country, every time another group of people or country does something we do not agree with we immediately jump to a violent reaction. We can't have a country constantly trying to bully and use violence to solve conflicts and blame a lack of spankings on kids being violent it's just not right. Stop glorifying beatings, stop glorifying war, and start teaching children compassion, how to see things from other people's perspective, how to deal with bad emotions in a healthy way, and how to compromise efectively (unlike our government)

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