Sunday, November 4, 2018

Is god bipolar or are we missing somethingšŸ¤”

I will start by saying this. I was born to a christian family. My grandmother is the best, kindest person you will ever meet. However, I never felt right in church. Something always felt off. When i was still a baby i wad diagnosed with viral meningitis and given a small chance of survival and almost no chance of coming out of it without any kind of mental issues. When I got my associates degree in programming i had a 3.87 gpa and when i got my bachelors degree in Information Systems Security I had a 3.63. Working 6 days a week 12 hr days does wonders for school work. I cannot say why I survived and turned out the way I have. My grandmother will tell you about a vision she had about me becoming this great speaker and musical person. Idk what the future has in store for me but what I do know is that I enjoy to learn about how humans think and why they do what they do. I also love all kinds of music and have found songs in all kinds of genres that truly inspire me to do better. So, I understand unexplained miracles. Honestly, I can't say 100% for sure I do or don't believe there is more to this universe then us. I would hope so, it seems a waste to have such a vast universe and the best thing in it is humans who are dead set on destroying the world they need for survival. All for what? War, hate, superiority complex? God, gods, supernatural beings these are heatef debates and killing fields. Why? I'm sorry, but if there really is a higher power they are doing a terrible job at things. 
God is a heated debate in every culture and in all religions. None more than the God of the Bible. One major issue that many Christians seem to focus too much on is how drastically different God is portrayed in the old testament vd the new testament. There's many different theories on why this is and I'm not going to get into them. What I would like to suggest is that maybe were looking at this wrong. There's something I learned about awhile back and it just keeps coming back to me again and again. The yin-yang symbol. The meaning of this symbol is simple and profound. The circle represents everything in the universe. The black represents all the bad things that happen in the universe. The white represents all the good in the universe. The dots on each side are extremely significant. This shows that no matter how dark things are, no matter how bad your situation is. There's hope. Evil can never fully eliminate good and if you but stay calm and focus you will find that light. Now, the unfortunate flip side to that is that good can never fully eliminate evil. Evil doesn't play by the rules and will always try to turn even the best things into something bad. I was going back over some old research I had done and I had just finished looking at some yin-yang pendants and it hit me. What if the reason god seems so different in the old testament vs the new is to show the fundamental meaning of the yin yang symbol. Throughout the old testament bad things happened again and again, but there was always at least  one person that held that torch and continued to do the right thing. These people weren't perfect but they did their best to make the world better. In the new testament Yeshua and his disciples showed us what it truly meant to be powerful and good. It also shows just how far evil will go to win. Will it ever end, whats true and what's false? Idk. What I do know is nobody deserves to suffer. Nobody is better than anyone. Everyone deserves to be treated with empathy and compassion. This world is all we can guarantee we have. If we don't take care of it and the animals that we share it with. We will deserve the hell we find ourselves in. 

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